Dr. Han Ok Kang

Vice President for SMART* Development, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

*SMART: System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor

Dr. Kang obtained his Ph.D. in 1996 from the Seoul National University in Nuclear Engineering. Currently he is working in KAERI as vice president for SMART development. After he initially joined KAERI as Post Doc. Program in 1996, his major research field was thermal-hydraulic design of once-through steam generator with consideration of two-phase instability prevention. He began to practically participate in SMART development as senior researcher of fluid system group in 1998. He involved in the SMART standard design and validation project and SMART safety enhancement project where he contributed to successful design and validation of reactor coolant system and passive safety system. He also leaded experimental task for the hydraulic rotation system of research reactor neutron transmutation doping. He has published extensively over one hundred refereed papers, conference papers, and patents to his credit in the area of small modular nuclear reactor design. He started his role as project management director for the SMART Pre-Project Engineering which was the 1st phase cooperation program between Korea and Saudi Arabia. He and his team coordinated overall technology development and validation program of organizations from Korea and Saudi Arabia to successful achievement of originally planned goal. As the vice president of SMART development group, He is recently supervising the SMART100 standard design approval project and the innovative technology development project for light-water SMRs.